

Lina Adjout ’21 at the Cliffs of Moher in Munster, a province in the south of Ireland.

It took Lina Adjout ’21 one day and one traditional Turkish pastry to find exactly what she was hoping to find in Ireland.

阿杰特作为斯坦利a奖的获得者开始了他的旅程. Hamel Traveling Fellowship (HTF) in hopes of discovering the “emerging immigrant diaspora,她解释道。. 抵达都柏林不到24小时, 她通过börek和一位土耳其店主聊了起来, 流行于巴尔干半岛的一种糕点, the Middle East and Central Asia that sparked memories of Adjout’s own Algerian roots – about their shared immigrant history.

“He spoke about his own immigrant story of coming to Ireland with his young children to escape political unrest and an unpromising economic future, emphasizing that it was important for him to hold onto his Turkish identity while also trying to fit into a completely new society,在她提交的回顾旅程的报告中,阿佐特写道. “反过来, 我分享了我作为美国移民的经历, recounting my own struggles to discover what cultural and national identity meant to me.”


That interaction kicked off a month-long self-directed study tour that proved to be as fulfilling as Adjout had hoped. Thanks to the HTF – which is administered by the NH Charitable Foundation and the 联合国卫生组织国家研究金办事处 and provides approximately $3,800 for self-directed travel in Europe to graduating seniors or recent graduates – she explored “the landscapes, 爱尔兰和北爱尔兰的博物馆和纪念碑,” developing a greater appreciation for the sacrifices immigrants made to arrive in the country and the significant lasting impact they made on the culture once there.

One p艺术icular visit to the Irish Emigration Museum in Dublin left a deep impression, connecting the first interaction she had in Ireland with the experiences of many who arrived years before.

“I st艺术ed to connect the story of the young Turkish man and the history of Irish immigrants. While economic pressure and religious discrimination forced millions to flee their homeland, there was still a longing for community and preserving a culture that was now molded by the struggle and determination of their ancestors,“Adjout, 她在联合国大学主修政治学和国际事务, 写. “通过对更好生活的渴望, emigrants then and now have found ways to not only be adaptable but to contribute a wealth of knowledge, 艺术, 他们新家的工作和文化.”

Adjout, 在波士顿莱恩移民中心做移民律师助理, 也有机会见到莎拉·欧文, Crosscare移民项目的政策和外联官员, 这两个人在工作上有很多相似之处.

“When Sarah mentioned that not even 20 years ago peppers at the grocery store were a rare sighting, it really struck me that immigration into Ireland is still very much a new phenomenon,阿约特写道. “It allowed me to challenge my own ideas of what immigration means in different p艺术s of the world.”

“通过对更好生活的渴望, emigrants then and now have found ways to not only be adaptable but to contribute a wealth of knowledge, 艺术, 他们新家的工作和文化."

她的许多经历对她个人产生了影响, Adjout recalls a stop in Phoenix Park just outside of Dublin on one of her last days in Ireland. The park was full of oak trees that reminded her of the symbol of the Celtic Tree of Life present throughout the country – a symbol that “signifies renewal, 智慧与力量.”

回家后, I’ve gained a deep appreciation for not only Irish culture but for what it stands for,阿约特写道. “随着我继续在波士顿地区与移民一起工作, 这让我想起了移民的经历是多么的相互关联, whether it is an Irish family escaping the famine in the 19th century or a Haitian immigrant fleeing from political instability today.”

斯坦利A. Hamel Traveling Fellowship (HTF) is awarded to graduating seniors or recent graduates (less than five years since graduation); for the upcoming cycle, 这意味着那些在2018年至2022年之间毕业的人. 下一轮申请将于2023年春季开始. For more information, including complete applicant requirements, contact the 联合国卫生组织国家研究金办事处.